nick jr logo idents

I had the immense pleasure of animating these logo spots alongside the great team at First Fight.
It was a really cool campaign to be a part of, and I especially loved working on the marching band piece being a former band-o. It was so great to work with art from some super talented Illustrators. Nicole Miles, Trudi-Ann Hemans, and Andre Foster all have wonderful styles.


I always love a project with a lot of pre-production finished. A lot of details were client-approved by the time I joined the project. So I was able to give the animation all of my focus. Where-as plenty of projects there are several steps of planning before the actual animation happens.

An example of the animatics First Fight started me off with. I helped edit some of these, which worked great as a primer to planning the animations.

I received excellent art for each and every shot. Below are some examples of the static images. It was a fun challenge building the art into rigs and scenes with depth. All the artists had professional project files, so I didn’t have to go back to them for anything!


This one is near and dear. It was so great to focus solely on animation; a lot of learned skills came together on this one. I always enjoy coming back to remember what we did on this project. Enjoy a few parting GIFs below!

Client - Nick JR
Agency - First Fight
Creative Direction - Andre Foster, Guy Allen
Illustration - Nicole Miles, Trudi-Ann Hemans, Andre Foster
Animation - Seth Hodel